Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Just another day!

I am currently flying from Illinois to Oklahoma City where I will be attending a conference for the next few days. I have immersed myself in my Triathlete Magazine with my "Caribbean Mix" playing on my iPhone. I would normally be reading, and listening to music while I fly, but this time out of necessity.

Trust me when I say it beats listening to the "Open-mouth-gum-chewing-tuberculosis-coughing-stale-smoke-smelling-hasn't-showered-this-month" guy in the seat next to me. Anyone that knows me knows two things. First, this is just my luck. Second, I am immediately irritated by this guy. Oh, I forgot to mention the "It's all fun and games until the cops show up" t-shirt. I'm guessing this is not uncharted territory for this guy.

As I sit there I am glad I have chosen better habits. Habits that, while sometimes uncomfortable, produce positive results physically and mentally. There are days when I am on a run, or swallowing pool water because of my inability to breathe on my left side, where I wonder why I'm putting myself through it. On days like today I know why.

There is a famous line from Andy Dufrene in the movie Shawshank Redemption (best movie EVER according to my wife) that puts it very succinctly. "Get busy living, or get busy dying". Some people choose one, some.....the other.

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